ID3 TIT2!The Ultimate Battleground StateTPE1 New York Public RadioTALB The Brian Lehrer ShowCOMM XXXCopyright 2020APIC image/png ‰PNG IHDR x x è%¨ 0PLTEÞ .. SIMPLE = T / FITS Standard BITPIX = 32 / FITS Bits/Pixel (-16 signifies [U16] NAXIS = 2 / Number of Axes NAXIS1 = 1024 / Length of Axis 1 (Columns) NAXIS2 = 1024 / Length of Axis 2 (Rows) DATE = 'Fri, Mar 27, 2009' TIME = '11:36:15 PM' N_PARAM = 80 / Number of Parameters PARAM1 = -30.3 / CCD Temperature PARAM2 = 10.9 / Backplate Temperature PARAM3 = 4.1 / Chamber Pressure PARAM4 = 1983.0 .. B 93 g9× c $Ò S Ç Q K 8 -4Ä 4 z â ( c>7$Ò S Ç Q K Z > ~ r M (株)百五銀行(8368) 平成29年3月期 第2四半期(中間期)決算短信 ..